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Our Tutors

Our Principle Tutor

Mr Jackie Lee

Singapore Mathematics Specialist

Former MOE and EDB Scholar

Award Winner in International Mathematics Competitions

PGDE Qualification (NIE) with Distinction in Mathematics

Former School Mathematics Teacher

Being a specialist in JC H2 maths and O levels / A Maths tuition, his teaching materials are designed to help students develop strong conceptual understanding and equip them with effective strategies and methods that can be easily applied. Before starting PSEG, Mr Lee was awarded Distinction in Postgraduate Diploma in Education from National Institute of Education (Singapore). He was also formerly teaching Mathematics in Nan Hua High School, Anderson Junior College, Raffles Institution (JC) and Anglo-Chinese School (Independent).

In addition to his maths teaching experience, he has accumulated more than 20 years of private maths tuition experience, coaching a wide spectrum of students, from extremely weak and math-loathing ones to those who are very self-driven and target nothing less than A. With such an immense depth of teaching experience, Mr Lee has developed a secret recipe that is suitable for all students with different levels of proficiency in mathematics.

In his teaching philosophy, there is no shortcut way of success. However there exists an expressway of success. Get aboard his high-speed vehicle, fasten your seat belt and Mr Lee will bring you to your desired destination with the minimum time and effort you need to spend.

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Perfect Solution Education Group

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Perfect Solution Education Group, founded by Mr Jackie Lee, specializes in Secondary and JC (H1 & H2) Mathematics tuition. We offer 1-to-1 tuition and group online mathematics tuition.

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